Wise New Saying – Author | |
A cheat believes that everyone cheats. – VP Pappy (thanks to T. Murphy) | |
A dog will not tell you he has fleas but you can tell by the way he scratches. Graham Willets (Thanks to Treharris Mid Glamorgan) | |
A dream is reality which has yet to materialize. – Dave McDaniel | |
A foolish man perceives meekness as weakness – Terry Miller (on underestimating your fellow man |
A jug of water is a disguise ocean. – jean noil | |
A man who conquers himself is much more superior than a man who conquers many thousands of men in battle. – Jedisaga | |
A smile is a light in the window of your face to show your heart is at home. unknown | |
A smile is your personal welcome mat. – unknown | |
A teacher’s job is to take a room full of live wires and make sure they are well grounded. unknown | |
A wistful waste makes a woeful want. – Virgil B. Lawrence | |
Accept the world the way it is and allow yourself to be the way you are. – Jack Canfield | |
A friend tells you what you want to hear, but a best friend tells you the truth. – Krissy | |
A true friend will remember you for the good and bad times and love you for both. – Krissy | |
Action is the antedote to despair. – Joan Baez | |
All friends have faults; forgive a little or have none. – Monty Overson | |
Always aim for the moon; even if you miss… you’ll still be among the stars. – unknown, thanks to Sara Saathoff | |
An unaware person lives in the past, mentally experiencing all the things that might have happened, but didn’t. – Zoe Calder, Writer | |
Any day above ground is a good day. – Robert Gerus | |
Anything worth doing takes a risk…go out on that limb, that’s where the fruit is. – Cynthia Brian | |
Arrogance is the full sister of ignorance. – Ruben Zuniga | |
As we work for the boss, the boss works for us. – Monty Overson | |
Be gentle with the earth. – Dalai Lama | |
Be glad you are unknown, for when you are known, you will wish you weren’t. – Stephen Anderson | |
Be humble while being good and your work will speak for itself. – Monty Overson | |
Believe that most people are doing the best they can. – unknown | |
“Believing is not seeing” – unknown Thanks to John M | |
Brains are like mouths; when empty they blather, when full they digest. – Pete Harrison | |
Character is what you do when no one else is looking. – Dr. Laura | |
Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. – unknown (Thanks to IceScythe7) | |
Confidence cannot be imitated; confidence can only come from a belief in one’s self or others. – Harry Lindsay | |
Courtesy is free. – unknown but similar to B. Franklin’s “Be not stingy in what costs nothing as courtesy, counsel and countenance.” | |
Cushion it (criticism) with compliments. – Anonymous | |
Dare to be different. – unknown | |
Demolish the dam of judgement and watch the nurturing waters of truth flood in. – Zoe Calder, writer | |
Dive in and learn as you go. – unknown | |
Don’t be superstitious, for it is unlucky to be superstitious. – John Baxter | |
Don’t bet the cow if you need the milk. – VP Pappy (Thanks to tismurph | |
Don’t complain about farmers with your mouth full. – unknown | |
Don’t dissect a rainbow. – Denise LaFrance, Painter (1964-present) on not destroying a beautiful phenomenon by over analyzing it. | |
Don’t explain. Your friends don’t need it and your enemies won’t believe it. – Jen Tishere | |
Don’t lead a blind man down the wrong road. – Matt Atkinson | |
Don’t mess with Einstein. – Monty Overson | |
Don’t step over dollars to save pennies. – Parts Department No. Shore Toyota | |
Don’t take life too seriously. – unknown | |
Don’t worry about tomorrow until it’s today. – Kyle Kirkland | |
Each passing minute is one less chance to change. – Greg Platz | |
Education is just a process by which a person begins to learn how to learn. – Jay Huff | |
Enjoy the process. – unknown | |
Even Babe Ruth struck out sometimes. – unknown | |
Every child that is born is proof that God has not given up on human beings. – Unknown Indian poet, thanks to S.M. Chandraskhar, India | |
Every end has a new beginning. – Carissa Ciciarelli | |
Everybody deserves to be loved. – unknown | |
Everyone has a message for us. – unknown | |
Everyone has a story; some people just have a better way of telling it. – Deb Kell() | |
Everything happens for the best. – unknown | |
Everything looks different from another point of view. – Gabriel Vasquez | |
Fall seven times, get up eight. – unknown | |
Fear makes strangers of people who could be friends. – Shirley Maclaine | |
Feel the fear and do it anyway. – Susan Jeffers | |
Find and fix the problem and mere symptoms will be revealed. – Monty Overson | |
Five brothers are like a bundle of twigs. Together they are harder to break, but separated they are easily snapped. – Zeshan Ahmed | |
Flexible people don’t get bent out of shape. – unknown | |
For every bow there is an arrow. A similar saying goes: When the student is ready, the teacher will come. – Author’s name unavailable | |
For you to do what you need to do, you first must come to terms with the fact that you need to do what you need to do. – Chrisbel N Dafeamekpor | |
Friendship is the foundation on which true love is built. – Victoria (Tori) Thompson | |
Garbage in, garbage out. – unknown (c.1964) | |
Get the monkey off your back. – unknown | |
Gifts are reflections of how others perceive you. – Gregory Rich | |
Give a smile and you bring the world new hope. – G.B. Addo | |
Give somebody an inch and they will think they’re a ruler. – jbmagic | |
Go where life takes you. – unknown | |
Go with the flow. – unknown | |
Good direction makes students or staff good. – Monty Overson | |
Good judgement comes from experience and experience, well, that comes from bad judgement. unknown | |
Guilt is the gift that keeps on giving. – unknown | |
Happiness is an inside job. – unknown | |
Happiness is not a product of our surroundings, it’s something we must make inside ourselves. – Corrie Ten Boom | |
Have tolerance for repeated errors in children. – unknown | |
Heartache is but a visitor, it won’t stay long. – Jim Garnett | |
I can’t see betting on a horserace; there’s just too many damn horses. VP Pappy (Thanks to T. Murphy) | |
I can’t stop growing old but I don’t have to get old. – Patrick A. Hirth | |
I never regret my failures, only the things i failed to attempt. – A. Foard | |
Identifying a race, identifies a racist; there is only one race, “The human race”! – Serge Crespy, Collingwood Ontario, 1942- | |
If good were within, good would come out. – unknown | |
If it isn’t in writing, it doesn’t exist. – Phil Ryder | |
If you can laugh at it, you can live with it. – Erma Bombeck | |
If you can’t beat them, join them. – unknown | |
If you can’t dream then you can’t rest. – Will | |
If you can’t make a decision, then you don’t have enough information yet. – unknown | |
If you cut too many corners, you’ll be going in circles. – Todd Reaker() | |
If you don’t look after the little things in life, they will look after you. – Brian Fierling | |
If you make people think they’re thinking, they’ll love you, but if you really make them think, they’ll hate you. – Jay Huff | |
In the end only kindness matters. – Jim Garnett | |
In the presence of trouble, some people grow wings and others buy crutches. – Harold W. Ruoff | |
In time all are tempted, all tried, all tested and in adversity all come to self knowledge. – Jim Garnett | |
It can take a moment to make a decision that can take a lifetime to deal with the consequences. – T. Steckley | |
It is a rare person who wants to hear what he doesn’t want to hear. – Dick Cavett | |
It is better to live on your feet than to die on your knees. – John Costello | |
It is incredible how much intelligence is used to prove nonsense. – Jay Huff | |
It is our duty to teach others how to treat us. – Monty Overson | |
It’s easier to make friends than it is to make enemies; you have to work to make enemies. – George L. Kloss | |
It’s easy to destroy – It takes effort to create. – M. Slater | |
It’s hard to fight an enemy which has outposts in your head. – Sally Kempton | |
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